Thursday, July 26, 2012

by words

soalnya kamu pilihan hidupku selama ini. aku merasa kita cocok. kamu sempurna buat aku. kayanya ngga ada alasan kenapa aku sayang kamu. sayangku ngga bersyarat. kaya yang ada manggil dari dalam hati… kalau kamu bakal jadi jodohku - A.F

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

the day

celebrating 100days

lesson learned!

This afternoon I had no activity at all. Just laid on bed because I was a little sick. I daydreamed and thought about the reasons why he loved me. I feel like I need him so so damn much just like I need water to cool the throat and rice for my energy. And that was the time when I asked him, "why do we eat rice every day and drink water but we do not get bored?" and he answered
Soalnya kita butuh mereka setiap harinya, sama seperti aku butuh kamu
Felt more curious , I asked again "we need vegetables and fruits, but why do we get bored with them?" and he replied with a very thoughtful answer.
Kamu tau? Nasi, buah, sayur, lauk, sama air/susu kan? Ibaratnya nasi sama air itu jiwa/hati sama kejujuran, menurutku bagian paling vital manusia itu ya dua itu. Terus sayur, lauk sama buah itu ibaratnya raga, jabatan sama harta. Harta, jabatan sama raga hanya sebagai pelengkap hidup kita. Mereka semua emang penting, tapi kalau kita punya raga yang sempurna harta yang melimpah mereka nggak akan berguna, ngga akan berkah selama kita nggak punya hati yang bersih dan kejujuran. Hati dan kejujuran itu ngga bisa ditipu, dimanipulasi, ngga akan berubah sampai kita mati. Tapi kalau kita bisa mengelola semua itu baik-baik, kita bakal sampai pada puncaknya, kebahagiaan. Orang pasti pingin lebih dari jabatannya yang sekarang, harta yang dimiliki sekarang, keindahan raga yang sekarang. Makanya mereka cepat bosan sama apa yang mereka miliki sekarang sebelum mendapat kebahagiaan
until this second, he made me amazed.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

primary key : honesty

honesty. is the primary key for everything, not least for a relationship. honesty. some are pleasant to hear, like "I love you" and others. but how painful honesty? honesty that is very painful when it is said, but if we do not say it, the one who have been lied would be feel more painful
well, to be honest is not an easy thing to say. it needs a huge courage

Sunday, July 22, 2012

it slowly dies , left in the past.

being betrayed isn't just an easy thing to face. do you think with giving me this flower i will come back to your side?

Saturday, July 21, 2012

celebrating the little thing

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey! even the day is still 5 more days, I'm already feeling so excited! life has taught me to make a habit out of celebrating the little thing, and we're almost 100 days ! even on our last month I deliberately didnt give him anything, but for celebrating our 100-day i made something colorful to surprise him. 100 paper cranes in all different colours, they just so pretty look like rainbow inside the jar. unfortunately i had to make my own cardboard to make the jar easy to wrap. such a really hand-made gift.

 100 paper-cranes on our 100 days.

I enjoyed every second when I was with him. I thank God everytime for finally giving someone who are very kind to me, who always respect me all the time. He came when I was very fragile because I was left by someone who was really precious for me that time, sometimes i still miss the old times, but here I am now with someone else who worth my love, my time. but why do i still feel incomplete? maybe i just need some times.
by the way, happy 100 days for us lama imhaf !

Thursday, July 19, 2012

don't get thirsty

The time goes too fast, it's already fasting time! When we are fasting we often get some trouble facing it.  Most people think the difficulty about fasting is feeling “hungry”.  However, avoiding thirst is much more important for how you feel.  Not only do you avoid the discomfort of thirst but you are also well hydrated and swallow frequently, so your stomach does not feel as empty.

First important rule is to avoid consuming much salt.   Salt causes a person to feel thirsty despite having a “normal” amount of water, because extra water is needed for the extra salt.  Happy fasting everyone !

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


As you all know this year will be my 3rd year in High School which means i will be facing all of these Try-Outs, Final Exams, and blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahs. I really need to focus on these so sadly i just have to eliminate some stuffs that has nothing to do with school. sigh. Maybe i wont be able to connect to Maya World and face the-real-world.

This month is my (our) third months anniversary. Many things happened on the last 3 months. Being with him is the most precious time in my life. time has thought me to be more patient and not just think for my self. i just looooooooove being with him. a lot.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

white place

i wrote this thing when i was about 13, its not really bad i think, cause its written from my deepest heart

don't wanna see...
see you lay on the bed
every second,.
in a white place.
and I hate when the doctor said,
"sorry lady, your mother is ill, please stay outside"
and I hate when she said,
"its allright honey, I'll be okay"

everyone knows she's not okay.
esspesially my self.
it was really hurting my ears
to knows you're sick

Monday, July 2, 2012

Welcome July, Welcome New Life :)

its been a while since (i don't even remember when exactly the last time i posted on this blog) . its already July, and we're actually in 2012 ! WOW.
i just got too many to do lately, so im just too lazy to post on this blog. and the thing that makes me more lazier is the fact that blogger actually changes its look. do you think it looks more complicated? but i changed it into the old-look so i can edit it easier. i changed everything, the background, the tittle and other things that need to be changed.
i've been in a complicated feels. been broken-hearted once or twice or even more. been so happy and feel like i could fly. afraid of not being loved back. macam macam yang udah aku rasain akhir-akhir ini. macam macam juga yang udah aku pelajari dari semuanya. i really really learned from it. and i tried so hard to not looking back.
but now, my heart is already stolen by someone who always putting a smile on my face. who helped me to look forward, not backward
Blog contents © her whimsical wonderland 2013. Noviana Humaira .